New Website Helping Car-free Curious Tourists Experience The Gorge

New Website Helping Car-free Curious Tourists Experience the Gorge

This week, I was proud to publish a site that took a week a design, but over a year a committee of the Columbia Gorge Tourism Alliance, a ragtag team of transportation geeks, to plan. And little did I know, all our family explorations of our new Gorge home, would prove fruitful in terms of a great photography collection from my husband, Kyle Ramey.

The site was timed with the launch of the West End Transit (WET) shuttle to Dog Mountain Trailhead, an extremely popular hike in the Columbia Gorge for which we designed a car-free itinerary.

Map that I designed for the car-free itinerary for Dog Mountain Hike.

Map that I designed for the car-free itinerary for Dog Mountain Hike.

The site has trip planning resources for Portland as a launchpad, Cascade Locks and Hood River, as well as a handy Google Map of transportation options, for those that are geographically inclined like me.

We thank BikePortland and Friends of the Columbia Gorge for early shout outs, and on behalf of my fellow geeks at the Columbia Gorge Tourism Alliance, I hope this site inspires many tourists to rethink the way they arrive and experience the Gorge!